Friday, October 26, 2012

“CAN’T” Shouldn’t Be An Option For Dark Skinned Girls

By: Eden Hansom
I used to one of those black girls who was scared to be bold when it came to my look because of what I had been told when I was younger.
I was already dark, so I “shouldn’t” want to attract anymore attention to myself. Then over the spring, I decided to step out of the box and be more bold and daring. Why not? I’ve been following these life lessons and one really stuck out to me:
                 Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple. 
And so I did. It never really occurred to me that bright colors look more appealing on my dark skin because it provided the backdrop to really make colors POP! The minute I stopped caring what other people would think and most importantly, STOPPED believing what I couldn’t do or wear, the more I started to willingly experiment. And more I started to experiment, THE MORE comfortable I became in my skin. I thought I was always confident about my look but fully allowing myself to be free has not only been satisfying but a wake up call that “can’t” should NEVER be in my vocabulary again. Especially when it has something to do with my how I see myself.
This dark girl CAN wear what she wants….and look GOOD doing it too!
                                              Orange Lip & Lids
                                 Nude Pink Lip w/ Purple & Orange Lids
                                         Dark Purple Lip & Orange Lid
                                              Nude Lip & Teal Lid
                                                      Big Red
Dark girls YOU CAN wear what you want and look fabulous doing it! Don’t let anyone tell you different. Play up your skin. Chocolate isn’t the only color that looks great on you too! 

I needed this because believe it or not some days I feel indifferent about my complexion.

I LOVE THIS!!!! I totally agree <3

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